Thursday, April 8, 2010

37 and 38 .... A plague Upon You!! ... Friday

As my eyes opened this morning the brain was already whirring with negative thoughts. 
I was really angry.
This walking gig is stupid... what's the point?  I cannot visually SEE any benefit...  there are better things to do in life..
This went on for a while.
Unfortunately, I have not reached the point where I can easily give up quite yet.  It doesn't feel too far away, but at the moment guilt and failure are forcing me forward.
To rid myself of a day of excuses, I donned the shoes, patted the dog and took off.
She cost us $500 yesterday to be told she had a sprained joint and would need to rest after a cortisone injection.
Wish I had been given one.
Over the hills and down to the beach ... 
Breezing happily along Florida Rd ... right into a SWARM of tiny flying fruit fly type insects! What were they??  I looked like a Dutch Windmill on top speed trying to navigate my way through them.  In my mouth, eyes ...  
Spluttering, I noticed two women and their dogs navigate their way to the other side of the road to avoid the spectacle.
I was still spitting the odd bug from my mouth when hitting the pool stairs.
Yep..  I did the stairs.  Yay!!  A little unfortunate they these steps seem to be some training ground for the fit and agile.. but I made it.  Messily. But done nonetheless.
Trotted FAST back along Florida and over the hill to home.
So. Done now. Recovered while chatting to a friend on the phone (who happened to be lying in bed reading) ... 
On with the Day. 

Oh didn't walk yesterday due to numerous trips to the vet, gardening and lack of will.

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