Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 29 ... Disaster

gazumps exercise

Monday, March 29, 2010

Wait... Wait ... WEIGHT!! Day 27 and 28

I just realised today is day 28!!!  One month since beginning this blog.  

What a shame it isn't going to be of earth shattering significance.
Some days get a little busier than others and require a little adjusting of the original plan.  There has been illness with Loved Ones and meetings with Fav Reles, broken fridges, waiting for repairmen... blah blah blah ... 

Insignificant, but activities which take precedence over the exercise regime .. or COULD!!  But they didn't!!  YAY!
Yesterday was filled to the brim so I ploughed on with the Resistance Bands that evening and seem to be getting some uncoodinated benefit from them.

Today's rain has deterred me from venturing onto the road as I have no wish to re live the early 'wet weather walk'.  
Since my new PREVENTION Mag had a timely arrival I managed 40mins of their fab weight exercises and a few 'band' ones.

I don't have an anxiety about not walking whilst I am at least doing SOMETHING.

What have I learnt by exercising for a month??  
#  Some days you just have to DO it.
#  I am fitter than the dog.
#  I have drive and determination - at least for 28 days.
#  I will never be able to do a Forest Gump and walk across the country.
#  Not to wear my white bra.
#  Pain doesn't stop you ... just annoys you.
#  I walk slower than most people but faster than some!
#  There is magic to be seen and heard once you are out there.
#  You DO feel better afterwards.
#  It is easier to eat less than to walk off something of same calorific value.
#  Keeping a blog is a great motivation to do SOMETHING ... even if you are talking to yourself.
# My husband has a great sense of 'rescue'.
#  Not to look in the mirror... just enjoy how you 'feel'.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 25 and 26... A Little Bit Of Support...

Yesterday seemed to whizz by in a flurry of 'must do' around the home necessities & odds & ends I just WANT to do... so the day disappeared quickly amid pruning shrubs, scrubbing bathrooms, washing kitchen floor & juggling food from a disfunctioning fridge.  The Granddaughter and Daughter arrived so .... there was a little 'dancing' to under 3yr old tunes... when they left, if was time for the Husband and I to head off to the movies.  So ... at some late hour I picked up the Resistance Elastic and for half an hour struggled to avoid my elbows being snapped and broken when doing said exercises.  It does require some practice and fine tuning.

This morning I was woken early by the 'bipping' alarm of the malfunctioning fridge so resigned myself to no sleep in.  Since I was skulking around the house in the early hours I could only dress for the walk in whatever was downstairs, so as not to disturb The Sleeping Husband.

Hence ... I had to wear the 'bad' bra.  

My 'supportive' sensible bras were soaking in the wash and upon a rummage, I found a little white one I wear when movie watching... NOT moving.  i didn't think a great deal about it, just plonked it on under the black singlet, harnessed up The Dog and off I went.
Decided on a totally UPHILL venture this morn as it seemed coolish ... not so.
By the time I had made my way up Pacific and towards Bynya, I was absolutely dripping wet.  My lower back was wet into my shorts! 

And the bra??  Good Grief.

The straps on this particular one are elasticised and therefore allow a 'bounce".
I actually had to alter my walking style on some parts of the trek & I can tell you - downhill was VERY TRICKY at a fast past.  Thank goodness I didn't meet TOO many people.  When I did, I was stop and pat The Dog til they past.

75mins later, dripping wet and dragging The Dog through the gate... I found The Husband cooking eggs and bacon on the barby, papers on the table and the jug boiled for the cuppa.
Ahh  ... THAT's support. x


Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 24... It Seemed A Good Idea At The Time...

My walk today encompasses a few things I have previously mentioned... 
# When an idea pops into my head, I have to fulfil it no matter what.  eg.. Since it was Friday & therefore 'takeaway' night - I don't have to cook.  This frees up a fair bit of time. Also The Hubby is engrossed in the footy & I am hardly likely to be missed. So my scathingly brilliant idea was to WALK to Avalon to collect a DVD & walk home.  Hubby was a little shocked and concerned about my ability to manage this; lectured me on 'stretching', requested I call him on my arrival at the video store so he could come and collect me, told me I was doing well and looking trimmer. (He Lied I Think).
# I had to resort to the original Army SHorts of walk No 1.  SHock and Horror when I put them on and they were TIGHT!!!  How could they be???  And don't give me any drivel about 'building up muscle" ..  then I remembered they had been put through the dryer and no doubt, being cotton, had tightened up a little.  Surely.....  Hopefully.
I was also walking into the holiday traffic once more with car loads of holidayers, weekenders, hoons, buses and no pathways.  
I took off at 6pm and was amazingly sprightly.  Happy thoughts and no near misses, all the way in to Avalon.  I went at a steady fast pace, but just before arriving at the video store quite a severe pain set up in the left hip area of my original walks.  Bugger.  I think this had been exacerbated by the jumping dancing of the parents night from Kindy.

Interestingly, the shorts were not 'skritching' as in theie original walk. Mmmmm.

Quickly choosing a movie, grabbing the dog I headed homeward bound.
Steady pain, lower back ache ... but otherwise happy to be walking amongst young people on skateboards, couples dressed for dinner, hoons hooning ...  until passing Careel Bay.

Oh. It all hurt a little too much.  I refused to slow down.  The Dog DID slow down to a 'drag' once more.  Darkness had descended and I was heading for the uphill bit past the mud flats ...  when ... 'toot'  'toot' ...  THE HUSBAND ONCE AGAIN CAME TO THE RESCUE!!!!

yay.  1hr 40mins.

I was so happy... I even listened to his lecture about stretching!!
What a Man. xx

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 22 and 23... A Little Bit of Resistence...

Resistance Elastics are so named because they are able to be resisted.

Dumb Bells are also appropriately named.


  • noun 1 the action of resisting. 2 (also resistance movement3 the impeding effect exerted by one material thing on another. 4 the ability not to be affected by something

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 21 ... Mind Games

Had a busy day, then unthinkingly, when all left ... I automatically put on the shorts and shoes!!
Found that a little incredible.
So off I went - I gave The Dog another chance - and headed up hill.
My mind wandered today ... free to roam where ever ... so it ducked into crevasses which hadn't been poked into for quite a while.
I thought of my brother ... gone ten years now, of my mother and my sister ... lost to me for some time.
I thought of friends from many years gone by.  Some I should track down and some who have let me go...
 I thought of The Son and his overseas trip with His Lady...  Of The Husband's aging parents and the connections with my children ...
Peaceful meanderings ...  all over the place.

Funny how the brain does that.  

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 20 ... Trading In the Dog

Honest to goodness - the dog has to go!!  What a pathetic effort she puts in day after day after day. 
The Husband has great sympathy for her "ooohhh, it's very humid."  or "Oooh, it's such a hot day." or "She's black!"
Do White dogs go faster??
I swear... I will trade her in for a greyhound.

I must admit she does perform better in the cool early hours.  But I want choice of when to walk.  I mean, really, this is the only thing I do for myself WHEN I want to!!  All those years of fitting things in around family, dinner, school, work...
I refuse to accommodate THE DOG!

I went for a great walk today up over the hills, past the beach, round the golf course and then felt SO sorry for the dog I was toting behind me, I walked the rest of the way home IN Pittwater so she could cool down.

If she bumps into any little doggy friends I wonder if she tells them about the "drag" she went on today.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 18 and 19.... Sunday

I had a problem getting  up and at it yesterday.  It's not that I didn't want to walk - I just didn't wish to change into walking gear from my 'house' clothes.
I was right in the mood to potter, tidy, cleanup ... but not to take my hair out of the high pony tail or wear anything respectable.  
So I didn't.
By the afternoon I had achieved all the chores and had to face reality.  There was nothing truly stopping me ... THEN I read 'Prevention' magazine.  What a handy little gem of a mag when wanting to know more about fitness and health.
In it I learnt that I don't necessarily HAVE to walk each day to achieve optimum fitness - I could do weights or resistance exercises.  Perfect.
I threw on the sunnies and a bit of lippy, changed clothes, and zoomed off to K Mart where I bought myself some dumbells and a resistence elastic thingy.
Just buying them made me feel fitter.  Certainly carrying them to the car did!
I came home and proudly showed them to The Husband, phoned The Daughter and told her - she laughed.
Then I read the bumph on the pack of the resistence bands.
"No responsibility is taken for any injury which may occur from using this band"....
I had visions of those Hockey Strap stories... where they flick off and blind you...
I had best keep a strong hold.
I hadn't given up on a possible evening walk, but needed the company of The Best Friend...  she was not so inclined and it was decided we would meet at Newport Beach for a healthy dinner and chat.
I took the new purchases.
So there in the darkness, sitting on the park bench, while chatting and laughing as only Good Friends can ... I hooked the rubber thingy on my feet and exercised my forearms!  Yay.  I even did a few dumbell lifts too...
I really like the idea of an alternative weight bearing exercise to do if every few days my body says 'Don't walk'...   
I even entered a competition in the Magazine to win a week at a health resort for The Husband and Myself - wouldn't THAT be fab.
Today - The Dog and I walked up hill quite early.  I returned home to read papers and helped The Husband with the lawns and gardening.   
I may not look any different ....

But I feel it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 17... A day off...

Nothing to report.
Chose to have my rest day today, not Sunday, as i just felt my soul needed feeding just as much as my body.
So I spent the evening with my gorgeous Grandchildren.  Delicious.
Now for the DVD.
Will hit the road tomorrow with a vengeance... 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 16 ... Up, Up and Away....

I was terrified to take off today after yesterday's walk...  I didn't relish the thought of pushing through whatever was going on there.
I was pleasantly surprised.
Since boredom is always knocking at my psyche.. I have to mix it all up a bit.  
Today I put The Little Black Dog in the car ...  I think the excitement of a ride hyped her up a little ... and we headed off to Careel Bay.  From here I headed off through Nth Avalon, past the sludgy creek behind Barrenjoey High (where a surprising amount of wildlife lives) and UP the hill past the pool... UP the hill behind houses towards the golf club ... UP the hill towards Bilgola Lookout.
What an amazingly blissful pitstop.   Divine breeze and breathtaking vista...  
It was here I listened to my body and decided against heading down into the beach area. SO, we headed back downhill and because I knew it would be a shorter walk - I practically jogged!
I think the trick for me is to drink plenty of water all day ... eat some carbohydrates and just listen to my body.
It's just that sometimes I don't like what it says.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whinge... Whinge... Whinge... Day 15

I don't have a clue what happened today. I hardly wish to speak of it.
After work we had a gathering to attend but I was home at 5 ... only to collapse on the lounge and nod off until 6pm. I MADE myself get up and find the runners... all the while feeling sluggish and slow with my brain taking over completely - filled with negative thoughts.
What was the story? Yesterday's jaunt was so lovely ...
All the while, making it up the hills and around the waterfront... my body struggled .... my thoughts were worse.
"I'll cut this corner..."
"What's the point...."
"Stupid Dog...."
"My foot hurts..."
As the brain whinged and whinged I plodded on ... and THEN I passed a slow walker wearing a t-shirt which was covered in "Never, never, never give up!" Was this a sign from above?
Well - it did nothing to spur me on, I can tell you. Bloody stupid t shirt to wear as you stroll along. That is, unless a few months ago she was unable to walk at all. Then I would give her credit where credit was due.
What's the deal with people who never give up anyway?? One of those olympic skiers had two knee replacements just so she could continuing competing!!! I have no comprehension of such drive.
So onward I went - past all the beautiful people from Home & Away eating their dinners...
past the beach... who's beauty did nothing for me today.
Up the hill and homeward bound.
Sweaty and cranky... in the gate ... shoes off ... back to the lounge.
What was that all about? Did I not eat enough carbohydrates today? Who cares.
I am not happy.
Not one bit.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dripping Wet... Day 14

AsI may have mentioned - I am not a 'tidy' walker as I take off at a fair speed and within 10 minutes I am a lather of perspiration. On the 30min mark It looks as though I have run a marathon, no matter how happy and non-exhausted I am.
It has it's benefits for when I reach hill tops looking out over Whale Beach and the breeze hits !! Instant airconditioning and I DO love that feeling.

After a day of helping out The Daughter with sick and crying children, which really wasn't a problem, I drove home virtually ANTICIPATING putting on the shoes and harnessing up The Dog.

Before, I would have collapsed on the lounge! Today, I knew a walk would put the day and into perspective.

Pity The Dog didn't feel the same.

Honestly. She was so lack lustre on the first hill and from then on I felt a constant drag on my right arm as she dawdled behind. Half way around Florida road she came to a grinding halt and after a few minutes allowed me to carry on carrying her on!
Down the stairs to the pool, along the beach... dragging along.
Out around the Surf Club at South Palmy ... past a couple being photographed in front of the Home And Away Club ... down the hill to the Boatshed.

So, thinking only of her , I removed my shoes and socks, tied them together and hit the beach in front of the golf course ... and The Dog was ecstatic. Chest deep, she waded happily, dipping her nose under every now and then.

Unfortunately I was still attached to her lead.... we both ploughed, knee deep, onwards.
I made it ALL the way home via Pittwater... Out around the homes, past Gonsalves marina ... past fish and chip eating families ... all the way along to the 'pipe' on Iluka Road. The long shorts of mine wet up to the pockets ... The Dog darting for ducks and the odd underwater attraction.
It was so, so glorious.
It was such a great idea. Thankyou Dog.

And to top it off... as I hurried on past the shops, a lady asked me if I was a jogger!!

All because I was hot and dripping wet!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 13 ... Speeding Up...

I took off exactly at the time parents were ferrying children to kindy, to school or heading off on shopping expeditions. A highly visible hour to go ..
I also realised it was a time many women were child free for a few hours and therefore were in their exercise gear and coupled up with friends for their walks.
However, The dog is fine company for me for now.
Once again I headed off on a familiar route up Surf Road and Bynya ... tromping along happily to find my brain was less busy than usual. I am sure there were moments of 'nothingness' which is achieved by some. Am I reaching some form of meditation state?
Once home, I realised I had cut ten minutes off my 75 min walk!! The route was EXACTLY the same - but obviously my speed has increased. How interesting!
Eleven walks ... and the speed is better. How hopeful.
So, I have decided to test this for a few days and if it remains so, then I will add another loop to the walk to get back up to the 75mins.
Woo hoo!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 12 ... And then she rested...

rest 1 (rst)n.
1. Cessation of work, exertion, or activity.
2. Peace, ease, or refreshment resulting from sleep or the cessation of an activity.
3. Sleep or quiet relaxation.
4. The repose of death: eternal rest.
5. Relief or freedom from disquiet or disturbance.
6. Mental or emotional tranquillity.
7. Termination or absence of motion.

So, since this is Sunday. This is what I did. Except for Oxford dictionary example no 4.

A quiet morning in the garden ..... showered and beautified for the Aunt's 80th ... and now home.
Drowsy from good company and not so good food ...
On the lounge with the papers ...
Rejuvenating for the week.

Hope yours was lazy too.

Day 11... A Visual Feast ...

So what did I see in my 75mins this evening?

Four rev head cars, speeding....
A wedding reception in progress....
A baby kookaburra perched on the wires....
3 cars parked illegally....
An elderly couple, heads together, laughing ....
A dog sniffing around an upturned rubbish bin....
A discarded, undelivered letter in the gutter....
4 rabbits in the parklands ....
No rabbits in the parklands ...
An no Little Black Dog for a while ....
A runner, near collapse passing me & still managing a cheery wave...
Plants I covet for my garden....
10 Asian people with long lensed cameras aimed at the sunset ....
A beautiful girl in a fabulous long black dress ....
Boys carrying cartons of beer towards the water....
Boats paddling out towards yachts...
Pittwater from a hill top....
A young couple smooching as they walked uphill...
Groups of people heading in to dinner at various eateries ...

Who needs television?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 10.. Stares and Whispers ...

A fair stream of traffic was headed northbound this afternoon..
End of week city dwellers champing to arrive at their weekenders ... parents having collected children from after school care or soccer training ... dads heading home to their families ...

And there was I ... plodding along in my sunnies and checky type golf pants, runners and My Little Black Dog, walking along the side of the road, avoiding collision with their side mirrors.

That's when the question popped into my brain.

I wonder what they are all thinking?

Do they glance over and think .. 'Nice Dog"..
Maybe a curse as they notice me just before they take a corner...
Has someone thought I have a fat arse? Or Maybe "She needs to walk!"
Sometimes I wave in response to a honked hello - did that person know me? Recognise me? Were they happily saying "Oh, there's Keren!" ?
Or was it young people who thought they would honk me .. and then laugh hysterically as I wave blindly in their direction.
I cannot see through their tinted glass.

I pondered this just for a while, as we all glance out from our cars at the passing parade of life. I have seen walkers and fleeting thoughts flick through MY brain without cementing themselves there ... "oh.. nice shorts" ... "she's skinny" ... "She walks fast" ... "OH.. wish I could run.."

It just made me curious. What were THEIR flickering thoughts?

I didn't really care.

As I made my way up above that road an walked onwards, uphill, alone with my thoughts and My Dog, I revelled in the sight of dusk settling around us and the sounds of crickets and goodnight laugh of the kookaburras. No traffic. The feel of the breeze across the water and our divine beaches. Laughter of children in their yards knowing they had two school-less days ...

I rest assured in the knowledge that My Dog and I are just a fleeting thought, whatever it may be, as drivers pass me by.

I won't take it personally.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Liar ... Liar ... Pants On Fire - Day 9

I took off early afternoon today and was feeling pretty good so headed up hill... up Pacific road RIGHT up to where a rickety set of steps took me down to Florida road.
This was an error ... I sort of 'plonked' down all the uneveness of them - about 100 - and could feel the hip getting mal adjusted...
True enough. It was. Pain set in when I headed through the Kerry Packer steps to the beach.
Strangely tho, I felt mentally happy and dragged The Dog along the beach front homewards.
As per usual my mind wandered and I recalled a story years ago of a group of women who discovered they could lose inordinant amounts of weight by eating tapeworm larvae. These of course hatched to become a tapeworm which ate every nutrient in their bodies until they achieved their desired weight loss. Take a few anti biotics - and voila!!
What is fairly amazing to me is that only women would consider this!
You hear it all the time when one falls ill, be it with appendicitus, pneumonia, gastro, or something life threatening - "Oh yes .. it was horrible - but I lost 4kg!!" ...

I trudged onwards and remembered The Daughter's question...
"Have you lost any weight yet?"
" Gee - I've only been walking a week, and besides - I am doing this for fitness, not weight loss."
"Sure Mum. Are you telling me that if you make it to the 6mth mark without losing a pound, but are much fitter... you'll be fine?"

Mmmm. I had lied.

If I make this walking gig for 6mths WITHOUT losing an ounce ... I will give up.

Then I might eat a tapeworm.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Road To NoWhere... Day 8

Since I don't intend to walk before having to be ready for work.. there were moments through the day when tried to plan my exercise route.

The weather was bleak and I didn't wish to walk in it as the last rainy day walk was a disaster... it wasn't a welcome thought. When out of the blue a brilliant idea popped into my head!!
I would go to the gym for my 75min walk in comfort.
Why I thought this was a solid idea, I can't fathom. My last gym experience was at least 15years ago with the company phoning daily and at all hours to secure my credit card number for direct debiting. Mind you - many in the area did hand over this information with the intention of using their facilities 4 times a week. Only to find their enthusiasm wained many months before the debits did.

But. I would go on a 'one off'' ... another test of bravery. Totally out of my comfort zone.

I wish I could explain The Husband's shocked expression as I announced "I'm off to the gym". Was worth saying.

You see .. going in to FF is like going to another country for me. There is an element of the unknown with all those around you appearing experienced in protocol.
I chose to park up the top ...to duck in unseen ... but didn't know where to 'duck' !
To enter I had to pay $22. and fill in an information sheet with name, address and contactable phone number. I asked if I could have some earphones to access the tele (may as well do this walk in style) to be told they would cost $15. Nope.
I headed to the far corner where the change rooms were.
I had quickly grabbed my exercise pants, a cotton t shirt and runners on the way out of home before I changed my mind. As I put the shirt on I broke into about 7 sneezes... it was an old shirt which hadn't dried properly some years ago and smelt quite musty.
On search for a locker, it was evident you needed to 'swipe your card' - which I clearly didnt have, so I took my chances.
I left my bag in an unlocked locker trusting that since robbers would have to dress the part to enter the facilities and rob FF people - and lycra is 'de rigeur' - there would be no where to hide their haul.
I headed to the farthest corner walking machine and truly, stood in front of it for a good 4 mins ... pressing buttons trying to make it go. No one helped. So I casually sauntered down a few to see others had lights glowing. Success with the one most public.
Well - suffice to say. This gym thing is not really my gig. Lorna Jane clad types running, expressionless, to nowhere. Didn't they live in the area?? Hadn't they felt the wind in their faces and drying their sweat? It's free!! It's free! - I overcame the urge to yell at them...
I had a little fun playing with the clockwork on my machine ... gradient 2 at speed 4.5... then on the 15min mark, gradient 3 at speed 6 ... made the time go a little quicker. That and people watching.
A very largish full breasted woman leapt on the machine near me at one stage and broke into a fast run ... I admired her fitness ... but she clearly hadn't seen the "Beat The Bounce" ad by Berlei on the toilet cubicle door.

To be honest ... I DID walk very fast ... I did sweat. The only hint of the great outdoors I got was when the overhead airconditioning leaked on me..
I gave up on the 45minute mark. I just couldnt take it anymore.

I changed back into my 'civvies' and went past the lift, packed with FF devotees, out in to the car park and headed home.

I had burned 250 calories according to the machine. And my walk had cost 50c per minute.

At least I know they won't be calling me any time soon to join up....

I gave them a fake phone number.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Time Management ... Day 7

When I woke this morning ... too early .. I was hoping for a sleep in ... my brain began whirring. I just wish it would be blank now and again. Is it possible?? Apparently. When a male is asked 'What are you thinking?" the answer is invariably "nothing". When pushed on the answer .. some males have explained that they just "zone out. Have no thoughts. Just nothing." ... really?

Should I walk in the morning or should I begin the housework? Maybe if I do work first I could walk midway through the day? Do I hurt too much to walk locally? What's the weather? Is it going to be hot? Is it Humid? Will I be required to babysit tonight? Then I'd best prepare dinner .... whats for dinner? Do I have clean socks? Should I put the washing on? ...

As much as everyone believes this walking gig is only for a 75min part of the day - it takes up an inordinantl and ridiculous amount of planning for me to fit it in. If I walk early on then that means I have to shower and wash my hair on the return since I should at least look half respectible and smell somewhat decent for the rest of the day .. I am a no frills kind of girl and HATE washing my hair daily. If I walk at night, this can go amiss if meetings on, dinners late or weather changes.

What about friends?? Where do they slot in amongst the daily necessities?

So while the a large part of my brain was busy ... A distant part of it had decided to walk early. So as I put on the shorts, runners, ate the banana and tied the hair up ... my body was ready to go. The mind was willing. Yay!! The body was a little sluggish.

But, I am proud to say I listened to my body today and decided against pushing it up all the local hills so I bundled The Little Black Dog into the car and headed out to Bayview.

From 7.30 - 8.40 we tramped along the mangrove and waterfront to the Pasadena and back. Passing early wanderers, avid joggers, elderly couples and a myriad of dog walkers. My brain was still busy - I have yet to achieve the peaceful 'nothingness' some acquire. Meditation is NOT my forte.

I love hearing the snippets of conversation as people pass me by ... even the cyclists chatting as they whizz past...

We were home by 9am.

The dog promptly slept. And although my exercise for the day has been achieved... I am yet to feel the joy.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Sight For Sore Eyes .... Day 6

I awoke at 5.30am this morning with a very sore eye and an idea.
I loathe getting an idea as I have a compulsion to act on it or be talked out of it. Since The Husband had left for work and therefore could not talk sense to me ... I had to act on it.
I decided to do my first Dawn Walk. The first in my life. I have walked in the mornings before ... but after breakky.
I have a busy day ahead taking The Daughter & The Grandchildren to town and a late meeting for work this eve ... so ... why not?
My body hasn't enjoyed early walks previously as I feel I need a day's fuel to avoid the dizzy staggering feeling which has assailled me. So as I found the runners, I drank water and ate a banana...
I had to smile as The Dog yawned while I attached her lead...
As I left the driveway into the darkness, right at that moment - 6am - the kookaburras broke into their happy raucous chorus up in the reserve.
I did not take it personally.
I headed off up Pacific Road this time and along Florida - the reverse direction of my usual walk...
What Bliss.
The Sounds!!
Why to so many walkers sheild their minds from the sounds around them? Surely the music they pump through their IPODs cannot be as sweet as nature's chorus around them!
The Currawongs, Kookaburras, Mopokes, Sparrows and those noisy Minors .. all in competition..
Hearing the waterfall and trying to find it's source... the near silent whirr of a bicycle's wheels which you hear a millisecond before the 'morning!' as the rider blurrs past ...

I was so busy listening, enjoying, I strode past the Kerry Packer stairs and therefore went further than planned, heading down the RockPool stairs to be spilt out at the Pool. How lucky are we to live in such a place!.
As I stood... taking in the majesty of it all .. I spied the Silver haired Octogenarian finish his laps and walk his sprightly speedo clad body to his car...

Any smugness I had evaporated. This man was decades ahead of me in his fitness routine... decades ahead in his discipline.. I had an emotional slump.

Then the sun rose. A minor bird swooped, protecting her nest from my non-tree climbing Dog and I laughed!

I gathered up The Dog and headed for home.

One day at a time.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 5 ... Don't Complain...

I really feel like complaining.

Maybe I have gone out too hard and fast ... not for the average person ... but for myself.
It is unsufferably annoying.
I don't mind noticing the odd ache or pain ... I will alter the exercise routine to accommodate them .. but i WANT to walk up hills.
I want to eventually head up the 400 stairs again.
But something is amiss in my lower back which is locking up the muscles in the front of my hips.
Staggering me to a halt at times.
I will discuss it with a physio or osteo soonish.

As I neared home today .. sweating ... in ridiculous agony ... I passed an elderly neighbour who was SHUFFLING down to the shops.
He waved and gave me a cheerful morning greeting... as he made his way onwards.

I have lowered my personal expectations. I will avoid too many hills until I work out my what's up with my body. I do not need to cover 15kms in 75mins.

i won't complain any more today.

My agony would be 'shuffling' to the shops when I am 70.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 4... Jane Doe...

i can't believe I have just completed a morning walk! Since it is Saturday and I would prefer to see an Oscar Nominated film at the cinema tonight & in the course of the day have to fit in the weekly shop .. I put on the damp runners, plotted a new uphll course and with The Dog in tow, set of southward towards Avalon to tackle Surf Road and continue up Bynya. Ambitious? I managed the jaunt happily - even adding an unplanned detour down Norma and along Pacific Rd after seeing two 'tidy' women walkers chatting and heading my way. They were to be avoided.

Personal bravery was involved in this walk. Many exercisers are out and about early on and avoiding death while walking around the bends was high on my agenda. On route I had to decide which side of the road to travel... do I walk on the right - face into the traffic or on the left - where vehicles swish past within an inch of your body. Or Dog.
in life, I wish for death to sneak up on me and swoop - with no warning. I have no desire to 'know' I am going to another place. Just take me by surprise. I am not one to have x-rays to see if I have pneumonia in case it shows evidence of something more sinister; I do not want blood tests for high cholesterol. Just let me drop. I am at peace with the fact those I love and cherish know how I feel about them.
If I knew I was going to die - my theory is it would ruin my remaining hours.
But - on my jaunts - I walk on the right hand side face first into the traffic and will be able to see what will wipe me out.

I also had another dilemma this morning. I like to walk without emcumberance of water bottles, phone, bags, or any form of identification.

But what if I drop dead after tackling the hill too fast?

How will my family be contacted?
I have no faith that The Dog will raise the alarm or sit faithfully beside me til help arrives. She has proved this on many moments on our treks as she darts off to chase the odd bush rat.. head under a bush for a wild rabbit ... roll blissfully in the scent of some dead creature..
But I will take this chance. The freedom of walking unencumbered is blissful.
But if per chance you DO see a medium size black dog running around the area with her lead on...
Ring the number on her tag ..
Then please look for my body.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 3.... Feelings ... whoa whoa ... Feeeeelings... !

I have decided not to look in the mirror for a while.
I have decided not to weigh myself.
I have decided not to look over at shop windows as I stride past, dog in tow.

All these things play against the positive motivational voices which are - at present - dominant in my head. I have a fear they won't last long, but whilst they are there I will do everything in my power to preserve them.
The first time I holidayed without mirrors was our honeymoon in Bali. I was 25 - fairly presentable - and relatively happy with physical self. In hindsight I should have been ecstatic - but like most youth - missed that moment. Anyway.. I was blissfully happy in the sun, with The Husband, riding motorbikes, patting monkeys, sleeping in the Losman, chatting to locals and wearing short shorts.
I had been talked into buying a knitted maroon triangle bikini by a fairly persistant balinese lady - and since 'new' clothes weren't high on our agenda (having put a deposit down on a piece of land and paying for a wedding) I wore it every day! Bliss. Brown. happy. new bikini. Woohoo... life doesn't get much better.
Then I came home. The sun shone... I pulled out the Bali Bikini ... put it on ... and happened to look in the mirror!!! The triangle top was HUGE compared to the pants!! I was in shock to think I had been swanning around in such miniscule pieces of fabric..

without mirrors - I had FELT great.
Do blind people FEEL great? Is that their compensation for their plight??

I also recalled coming home euphoric after a great party in my teens... circa 1976 .. thinking about the nice guy I had been chatting to ... only to look in the mirror and see that the sweatty dancing and a few drinks had melted the mascara about and inch under my eyes... ignorance WAS bliss.

So, today it rained but I decided I was still going to do my 75mins flat chat and FEEL great - no matter how I looked. Much to The Husband's surprise I announced I would walk in the sprinkling rain ... he seemed relieved his dog walking duties have been eradicated for the past couple of days.
So off I went. It was quickly apparent that my body is NOT a machine. I went off at the sprightly speed I like to do but things began to hurt... I refuse to detail them. I find the whole body breakdown thing totally annoying and as the walk progressed and the rain fell harder I found my mind working against me. On the 45min mark... past the Kerry Packer Stairs ... I was seriously annoyed. This has happened to me before on exercise jaunts - I get SO angry! I began to feel nauseous at the 55 min mark which is totally embarrassing! The rain had drenched me and The Dog and I was cursing this ridiculous blog idea. I was also 'busting' ... when on the 65min mark.... through the rain ... came The Husband in his truck!!! To the rescue!! Too gorgeous.
I will do ten more minutes next time.

So as for FEELINGS and LOOKS? Well... I felt l crap and am pretty sure I looked it too.

Greivous errors for the second walk?

# Walking in the rain.
# not accounting for wind chill factor in wet tshirt along beach front.
# Not realising wet dogs drag more than hot dogs!
# Not having water resistant runners.
# Eating 4 thai curry puffs for lunch.
# Drinking too much water before leaving.
# Not incorporating public toilets along my designated walk.
# Not wearing waterproof mascara.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 2.. Heaven Can Wait ...

I have to clear up a few things... I am not writing this with the view of inspiring anyone else other than myself. It is simply a tool to counteract the negative thoughts my brain conjures. The myriad of excuses for not getting the runners on.
The moment I posted yesterday's blog .. my first ... the adrenalin set in as I had 'committed' myself to begin the walking fitness experience today! Friends who know me well are aware of my reticence to 'commit' to anything or make appointments... hence I get my hair cut at a barber's as I can just pop in at a whim... I have a few buddies who will accompany me at a moment's notice on some grand adventure ... I loathe booking in dinners weeks in advance as the mood may not be with me when the day arrives.
So.. putting into writing that today was to be the beginning of my exercise regime was a concerted effort to force ME to do it. ALso. We are not talking of a stroll along the beach or a short walk. I have been known to overdo the first of these exercises and plot and plan my route to include stairs and hills. Once this plan is in my head I do not deviate!! Half way through .... if I have been over ambitious ... I still do not cut corners. I continue on the plan in my head. This, I believe, is a GOOD thing. But i pay the price as I drag myself homeward bound.
This time I planned conservatively and avoided stairs. NO STAIRS!!
Also... I have no desire to put on any exercise gear for any form of exercise under 75minutes.. None of this 'CURVES 29' minute regime for me!!
My first waking thought this morning was of the pain in my hip.. then I became conscious of lower back ache ... were they phantom? As I took my Nurefen and left for work, I was consolled by the fact it was pouring and I didn't have to face reality of the runners.
Then the sun came out.
At the end of the working day I was sure I had developed chest pain.
Dinner was cooked - thank god for slow cookers - and I had no excuse.
The dog was excited - she knows when I am in the black and white exercise gear then she is in for a LONG walk.

I made a few grievous errors on this... the first walk.

# Putting on lycra leggings without checking first for shirt long enough to cover derriere... there fore grabbing pair of cotton drill army shorts instead.
# I left BEFORE cover of darkness. Hence local shopowners waving and chuffing me for being so 'good'...
# On first hill realising 'skritching' sound was from cotton drill army shorts as thighs rubbed together. 'skritch... skritch... skritch.."
# Forgetting that 'The Dog' fades quickly on walks in summer humidity and lags seriously behind.. sometimes coming to a screeching halt.
# Passing 70year old woman in singlet and shorts and runners ... and finding her outfit vaguely familiar...
# Returning before cover of darkness ... dripping wet, red faced... dragging the dog.
BUT.. It is done. The first walk. I am happy.
So is the dog.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Foray Into The Unknown...

So I begin.
To write to myself? For myself? Yes.
A recent DVD evening inspired me to begin and continue with something for at least 6 months. In the film - she succeeded for 364 days and in the world of makebelieve, changed her life.
Is it possible?
I have been psyching myself to get fit and have been stuck in my head for a few weeks now. I have plotted the course I will walk once I get the shoes on... the way I will feel once I begin ... I have read the 'Clothes Line Diet' - the woman being so overweight and embarrassed to walk in public, managing to walk a few times around the clothesline. If being seen by neighbours wasn't inspiration enough to leave the yard I don't know what would be! How mortifying to create a pathway around the clothesline... I know i couldn't cope with that one unless the laps were done under cover of complete darkness.
I commend her.
As I do all those 'Biggest Loser' contestants. Very inspirational. I really enjoy watching that show as I eat my dinner.
So, My last resort after another afternoon of procrastination - was to begin a blog. I would record my attempts and be answerable to myself each evening. I came home from work - took a nap - cooked dinner - waxed the excess hair off my face ...
and learnt how to begin a blog.
I am 51 ... not INactive ... as I am a preschool worker and do much jumping and dancing to tunes for under 5's .. so a little bit active. But. Weight gain has rendered me feeling frumpy and I am not enjoying it. Moodiness has played a part in my inactivity.. I have fond memories of a few years past when I walked for hours a day and competed in the City To Surf - only to never walk again! Well, when necessary. Not competitively...
The psychological preparation to begin walking draws on memories of feeling happy and even euphoric at such accomplishments of walking up the local stairway of 400 odd steps through the bush ... not a pretty sight ... and I never walk them WITH anyone as I am not an attractive exerciser!
I am in awe of the women I see whooshing past me without a speck of perspiration ... hence, I exercise under the cover of darkness. It is now getting dark ... best go and get dinner ready...
So. I have completed my first blog and tomorrow I will walk.