Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 10.. Stares and Whispers ...

A fair stream of traffic was headed northbound this afternoon..
End of week city dwellers champing to arrive at their weekenders ... parents having collected children from after school care or soccer training ... dads heading home to their families ...

And there was I ... plodding along in my sunnies and checky type golf pants, runners and My Little Black Dog, walking along the side of the road, avoiding collision with their side mirrors.

That's when the question popped into my brain.

I wonder what they are all thinking?

Do they glance over and think .. 'Nice Dog"..
Maybe a curse as they notice me just before they take a corner...
Has someone thought I have a fat arse? Or Maybe "She needs to walk!"
Sometimes I wave in response to a honked hello - did that person know me? Recognise me? Were they happily saying "Oh, there's Keren!" ?
Or was it young people who thought they would honk me .. and then laugh hysterically as I wave blindly in their direction.
I cannot see through their tinted glass.

I pondered this just for a while, as we all glance out from our cars at the passing parade of life. I have seen walkers and fleeting thoughts flick through MY brain without cementing themselves there ... "oh.. nice shorts" ... "she's skinny" ... "She walks fast" ... "OH.. wish I could run.."

It just made me curious. What were THEIR flickering thoughts?

I didn't really care.

As I made my way up above that road an walked onwards, uphill, alone with my thoughts and My Dog, I revelled in the sight of dusk settling around us and the sounds of crickets and goodnight laugh of the kookaburras. No traffic. The feel of the breeze across the water and our divine beaches. Laughter of children in their yards knowing they had two school-less days ...

I rest assured in the knowledge that My Dog and I are just a fleeting thought, whatever it may be, as drivers pass me by.

I won't take it personally.

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