Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 4... Jane Doe...

i can't believe I have just completed a morning walk! Since it is Saturday and I would prefer to see an Oscar Nominated film at the cinema tonight & in the course of the day have to fit in the weekly shop .. I put on the damp runners, plotted a new uphll course and with The Dog in tow, set of southward towards Avalon to tackle Surf Road and continue up Bynya. Ambitious? I managed the jaunt happily - even adding an unplanned detour down Norma and along Pacific Rd after seeing two 'tidy' women walkers chatting and heading my way. They were to be avoided.

Personal bravery was involved in this walk. Many exercisers are out and about early on and avoiding death while walking around the bends was high on my agenda. On route I had to decide which side of the road to travel... do I walk on the right - face into the traffic or on the left - where vehicles swish past within an inch of your body. Or Dog.
in life, I wish for death to sneak up on me and swoop - with no warning. I have no desire to 'know' I am going to another place. Just take me by surprise. I am not one to have x-rays to see if I have pneumonia in case it shows evidence of something more sinister; I do not want blood tests for high cholesterol. Just let me drop. I am at peace with the fact those I love and cherish know how I feel about them.
If I knew I was going to die - my theory is it would ruin my remaining hours.
But - on my jaunts - I walk on the right hand side face first into the traffic and will be able to see what will wipe me out.

I also had another dilemma this morning. I like to walk without emcumberance of water bottles, phone, bags, or any form of identification.

But what if I drop dead after tackling the hill too fast?

How will my family be contacted?
I have no faith that The Dog will raise the alarm or sit faithfully beside me til help arrives. She has proved this on many moments on our treks as she darts off to chase the odd bush rat.. head under a bush for a wild rabbit ... roll blissfully in the scent of some dead creature..
But I will take this chance. The freedom of walking unencumbered is blissful.
But if per chance you DO see a medium size black dog running around the area with her lead on...
Ring the number on her tag ..
Then please look for my body.


  1. Keren Keren Keren - I love the way you tackle the subjects we all think about but don't want to voice. I'm with you on the dying thing. I went to a talk given by a heart specialist who told us the best way to die is actually of a heart attack, at a nice advanced age, of course. At the moment my poor old Dad is facing not good prospects and I hate thinking about his angst. Hey what about a pic of you so we compare in a year's time.

  2. I am so, so sorry to hear about your beautiful dad. It will be a tough journey for all of you to go through.
    As for the before and after pic?? NO WAY!! I hold no great hope for this blog to last 6 months. I may change it to three if I', lucky.
    But right now it is a bit of fun and keeping me heading to finish up the week!!
