I have to clear up a few things... I am not writing this with the view of inspiring anyone else other than myself. It is simply a tool to counteract the negative thoughts my brain conjures. The myriad of excuses for not getting the runners on.
The moment I posted yesterday's blog .. my first ... the adrenalin set in as I had 'committed' myself to begin the walking fitness experience today! Friends who know me well are aware of my reticence to 'commit' to anything or make appointments... hence I get my hair cut at a barber's as I can just pop in at a whim... I have a few buddies who will accompany me at a moment's notice on some grand adventure ... I loathe booking in dinners weeks in advance as the mood may not be with me when the day arrives.
So.. putting into writing that today was to be the beginning of my exercise regime was a concerted effort to force ME to do it. ALso. We are not talking of a stroll along the beach or a short walk. I have been known to overdo the first of these exercises and plot and plan my route to include stairs and hills. Once this plan is in my head I do not deviate!! Half way through .... if I have been over ambitious ... I still do not cut corners. I continue on the plan in my head. This, I believe, is a GOOD thing. But i pay the price as I drag myself homeward bound.
This time I planned conservatively and avoided stairs. NO STAIRS!!
Also... I have no desire to put on any exercise gear for any form of exercise under 75minutes.. None of this 'CURVES 29' minute regime for me!!
My first waking thought this morning was of the pain in my hip.. then I became conscious of lower back ache ... were they phantom? As I took my Nurefen and left for work, I was consolled by the fact it was pouring and I didn't have to face reality of the runners.
Then the sun came out.
At the end of the working day I was sure I had developed chest pain.
Dinner was cooked - thank god for slow cookers - and I had no excuse.
The dog was excited - she knows when I am in the black and white exercise gear then she is in for a LONG walk.
I made a few grievous errors on this... the first walk.
# Putting on lycra leggings without checking first for shirt long enough to cover derriere... there fore grabbing pair of cotton drill army shorts instead.
# I left BEFORE cover of darkness. Hence local shopowners waving and chuffing me for being so 'good'...
# On first hill realising 'skritching' sound was from cotton drill army shorts as thighs rubbed together. 'skritch... skritch... skritch.."
# Forgetting that 'The Dog' fades quickly on walks in summer humidity and lags seriously behind.. sometimes coming to a screeching halt.
# Passing 70year old woman in singlet and shorts and runners ... and finding her outfit vaguely familiar...
# Returning before cover of darkness ... dripping wet, red faced... dragging the dog.
BUT.. It is done. The first walk. I am happy.
So is the dog.
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