Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 11... A Visual Feast ...

So what did I see in my 75mins this evening?

Four rev head cars, speeding....
A wedding reception in progress....
A baby kookaburra perched on the wires....
3 cars parked illegally....
An elderly couple, heads together, laughing ....
A dog sniffing around an upturned rubbish bin....
A discarded, undelivered letter in the gutter....
4 rabbits in the parklands ....
No rabbits in the parklands ...
An no Little Black Dog for a while ....
A runner, near collapse passing me & still managing a cheery wave...
Plants I covet for my garden....
10 Asian people with long lensed cameras aimed at the sunset ....
A beautiful girl in a fabulous long black dress ....
Boys carrying cartons of beer towards the water....
Boats paddling out towards yachts...
Pittwater from a hill top....
A young couple smooching as they walked uphill...
Groups of people heading in to dinner at various eateries ...

Who needs television?

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