Sunday, April 11, 2010

39 and 40... "It must have been love... but it's OVER Now! ..

Remember when you were sure you were in love .. within a week of the meeting?  Adrenaline levels rising...  the thrill off the potential date ...  pounding heart just being near the one of your choice...  laughing at ridiculous jokes ... deciding 'beards' were just what you liked on your beau ... not worrying that their dress mode was not daggy - just eclectic ...  beyond caring that their place was a dump ... finding it amusing that they were always late, didn't pay their way ...  called you 'honey bum' or some ludicrous nick name?  
Then you wake up.
All it takes is a moment.  They do something which changes your whole perspective in an instant and cannot be retrieved.  
There is no way you can look at that man as you did.  Impossible. He is an idiot.
The rose coloured glasses come off.  They are dumped.
It was NOT love.
It was infatuation.
I enjoyed my walks over the days.
I did have some lovely moments...   It did cause me SOME pain which I kindly over looked.  I thought I was in love with it.
I wasn't.
It was just infatuation.
And it's over now. 
It just disappeared.

I have been super busy with things and people I truly DO love and my 6 month plan disappeared as quickly as the guy who took me to the wrong wedding on our first date.

So you will not have to suffer this blog idea which was ridiculous to begin with.  
And next time I get a scathingly brilliant idea - I promise to keep it to myself!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

37 and 38 .... A plague Upon You!! ... Friday

As my eyes opened this morning the brain was already whirring with negative thoughts. 
I was really angry.
This walking gig is stupid... what's the point?  I cannot visually SEE any benefit...  there are better things to do in life..
This went on for a while.
Unfortunately, I have not reached the point where I can easily give up quite yet.  It doesn't feel too far away, but at the moment guilt and failure are forcing me forward.
To rid myself of a day of excuses, I donned the shoes, patted the dog and took off.
She cost us $500 yesterday to be told she had a sprained joint and would need to rest after a cortisone injection.
Wish I had been given one.
Over the hills and down to the beach ... 
Breezing happily along Florida Rd ... right into a SWARM of tiny flying fruit fly type insects! What were they??  I looked like a Dutch Windmill on top speed trying to navigate my way through them.  In my mouth, eyes ...  
Spluttering, I noticed two women and their dogs navigate their way to the other side of the road to avoid the spectacle.
I was still spitting the odd bug from my mouth when hitting the pool stairs.
Yep..  I did the stairs.  Yay!!  A little unfortunate they these steps seem to be some training ground for the fit and agile.. but I made it.  Messily. But done nonetheless.
Trotted FAST back along Florida and over the hill to home.
So. Done now. Recovered while chatting to a friend on the phone (who happened to be lying in bed reading) ... 
On with the Day. 

Oh didn't walk yesterday due to numerous trips to the vet, gardening and lack of will.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

36... How Lame... Wednesday

You really have to plan these walks some days...  I find a miriad of activities I could fill my time with.  Sewing, gardening, photo sorting, fixing stuff, clearing junk...  
Guess we all can.
Since I rose early I jump started all the 'have to do' things so I could enjoy the 'want to do things and surprisingly I have achieved much today.
By 2pm I had the runners on for the 'big' walk but found, when I harnessed up The Dog - she really WAS limping.  She could put no weight on her front paw. 
This threw me into a spin.  As much as I complain, I do like the companionship and 'reason' for walking.
I would have to go alone.
An exerciser.
NOT a dog walker.
On went the sunnies & I took off at a fast pace and managed to keep it up the whole way, which is something I cannot achieve whilst dragging The Dog.  I ploughed up Pacific rd, round Florida all the way around to Whale Beach!  
How absolutely scrumptious was the wind blowing the sweat off at NOrma Rd!!
I headed onwards and upwards over Surf road and all the way back along the main road to home.  75mins.
Not too painful either.  Can't work out why my hip DIDN't hurt today.
My brain was busy and I was on a mission but I did miss my silent companion...  

34 and 35.... This Park Life ... Tuesday

I must confess to never having visited Centennial Park before a quick stop there a month ago.  I was so enamoured by the scale of such a place in the centre of our city that plans were made to meet up with The Cousins from interstate and My Fav Aunt.  Which is exactly what we did today.
The Botanical Gardens are truly peaceful, with its own beauty - but the energy of Centennial Park is what draws me in.  
Horses plodding, cyclists, walkers, talkers, skateboards, rick shaws, 4 seater bicycles, sleepers, picnic-ers, lakes, geese, ibis, water fowl ... just too gorgeous.
So...  Did I walk today?  Technically - NO.  
But I did play chasings...  ride a Razor Scooter all the way to the loo ... which just happened to be MILES away.  Well, not really - but a bloody long way and I rode right in through the door! Ha.  Do you know what was wonderful too?  No one looked sideways at the 50yr old on the scooter!!   All forms of exercise are tolerated here. 
I did a fair amount of exercise today, but driving home I felt maybe I should add to it by heading off on a night walk.  
But the rain began and talk of a thunderstorm had me running for cover as my greatest fear is being turned to a cinder due to lightening.
So no.  No walk today.

Or yesterday for that matter as I seemed to have lost time and space after the 5hr trip home from Mudgee.
But hey ... the spirit is still willing and I have no other plans for tomorrow, so will try for a large walk around Whale Beach and Palmy.
The Husband mentioned The Dog was limping today.  Sigh.  She is such a dud.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Rocky Mountain H- iiiiggghhh!" .. Day 33

While having a leisurely luncheon at a local Mudgee Winery, The Brother-In-Law decided that the day would be topped off by us returning to the house, packing food, and hiking to the top of Mt Frome.   The Husband found this a brilliant idea, the Sister-In-Law seemed resigned to the plan and inwardly I panicked.
How high was it?  How long would it take? How fast would they go? 
My panic was not really about not achieving the task - more about holding everyone up - and of course that 'messy exerciser' complex  i have. 
We four wheel drived  accross someone's property and i was SO grateful to see the walking sticks the Brother-In-Law had packed.  We certainly needed them!!
The trek up was hard.... steep...  burr ridden ...  rocky ... slippery ... sweatty... laughy... chatty ...  cow pooey...  and really - only 45mins!! The thermos was brought out along with sandwiches and hot cross buns - all of which I did not eat as I felt ill from the climb!!  ha.  BUT ... I didn't hold anyone up.
The descent was an amusing race against the sunset as we had no wish for broken ankles.. which was high on the probability scale since all rocks were hidden under long grass.
Honestly I  was cranky (hence THAT photo) as I reached the top! But once the adrenalin settled, and we laughed our way won I was so glad Mr Kokoda-Trail-Brother-In Law dragged me up one of the mountains in the area.
Too Fun .... especially the four wheel drive out of the paddock and hitting that 'missing' rock...

Think it was just past the cows...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 32... SATURDAY ..To market, to market.. to buy a fat pig...

The Reles and The Husband and I trundled through the Sydney crowds in Mudgee this morning weaving our way to various fresh food tables at the Buyers' Markets.    I met up with two  Sydney families in the grounds of the church.   Yum choice of relishes, jams, cheese, and Heritage Seeds to take home to create our own little self sustaining vege patch.
The boys left to golf the afternoon away while we kept walking and looking and looking and walking... heading home early arvo to read papers and eat Chili Olives.
It is hot.  I have no intention of walking today and made this decision guilt free.  
BUT - I do have my resistance bands with me and intend to get the Sister In Law involved!!  
Laughter is a great medicine.
As is a weekend away.

Day 31... What a GOOOOOOOD Friday...

...  Driving 4hours with a non-chatty partner is like a gift of 'time'.   I was able to bury my head in a fab book without fear of offence.   Only lifting it upon hearing the amazing birdsong as we headed up Kurrajong Hill - never ceases to delight me.
The Reles greeted us with cuppa and chat and after settling in... and asking about the best one hour walking route... this evening at 6pm off I went AND  The Husband joined me!!
We kept a great pace and went a long way - past suburbia and wonderfully winding down roads beside horse poo ( THEY don't pick up their poop in bags),  bleating baby sheep, the odd Bull answering some old cow,  miriad of mozzies,  fences made from old railway sleepers,  dams,  purple weedy flowers,  old caravans,  new estates, old homes,  golf course .... 

It was lovely to walk in silence through this new vista with a man who has no need to ruin it all with words. x

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 30... Go WEST!!

Another day surrendered to illness.

Having slept away most of this day I woke feeling hopeful for tomorrow.
We are off to Mudgee for the Easter Break and I have packed the runners!!  The Dog wont be accompanying me; hence I will look like an 'exerciser' rather than a 'dog walker' .. and since I will be in a town filled with strangers - who cares!!!

Interestingly enough - I am actually looking forward to sweating and hills.

Who'd have thought??