Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 31... What a GOOOOOOOD Friday...

...  Driving 4hours with a non-chatty partner is like a gift of 'time'.   I was able to bury my head in a fab book without fear of offence.   Only lifting it upon hearing the amazing birdsong as we headed up Kurrajong Hill - never ceases to delight me.
The Reles greeted us with cuppa and chat and after settling in... and asking about the best one hour walking route... this evening at 6pm off I went AND  The Husband joined me!!
We kept a great pace and went a long way - past suburbia and wonderfully winding down roads beside horse poo ( THEY don't pick up their poop in bags),  bleating baby sheep, the odd Bull answering some old cow,  miriad of mozzies,  fences made from old railway sleepers,  dams,  purple weedy flowers,  old caravans,  new estates, old homes,  golf course .... 

It was lovely to walk in silence through this new vista with a man who has no need to ruin it all with words. x

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