Sunday, April 11, 2010

39 and 40... "It must have been love... but it's OVER Now! ..

Remember when you were sure you were in love .. within a week of the meeting?  Adrenaline levels rising...  the thrill off the potential date ...  pounding heart just being near the one of your choice...  laughing at ridiculous jokes ... deciding 'beards' were just what you liked on your beau ... not worrying that their dress mode was not daggy - just eclectic ...  beyond caring that their place was a dump ... finding it amusing that they were always late, didn't pay their way ...  called you 'honey bum' or some ludicrous nick name?  
Then you wake up.
All it takes is a moment.  They do something which changes your whole perspective in an instant and cannot be retrieved.  
There is no way you can look at that man as you did.  Impossible. He is an idiot.
The rose coloured glasses come off.  They are dumped.
It was NOT love.
It was infatuation.
I enjoyed my walks over the days.
I did have some lovely moments...   It did cause me SOME pain which I kindly over looked.  I thought I was in love with it.
I wasn't.
It was just infatuation.
And it's over now. 
It just disappeared.

I have been super busy with things and people I truly DO love and my 6 month plan disappeared as quickly as the guy who took me to the wrong wedding on our first date.

So you will not have to suffer this blog idea which was ridiculous to begin with.  
And next time I get a scathingly brilliant idea - I promise to keep it to myself!!

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