Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 32... SATURDAY ..To market, to market.. to buy a fat pig...

The Reles and The Husband and I trundled through the Sydney crowds in Mudgee this morning weaving our way to various fresh food tables at the Buyers' Markets.    I met up with two  Sydney families in the grounds of the church.   Yum choice of relishes, jams, cheese, and Heritage Seeds to take home to create our own little self sustaining vege patch.
The boys left to golf the afternoon away while we kept walking and looking and looking and walking... heading home early arvo to read papers and eat Chili Olives.
It is hot.  I have no intention of walking today and made this decision guilt free.  
BUT - I do have my resistance bands with me and intend to get the Sister In Law involved!!  
Laughter is a great medicine.
As is a weekend away.

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