Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Rocky Mountain H- iiiiggghhh!" .. Day 33

While having a leisurely luncheon at a local Mudgee Winery, The Brother-In-Law decided that the day would be topped off by us returning to the house, packing food, and hiking to the top of Mt Frome.   The Husband found this a brilliant idea, the Sister-In-Law seemed resigned to the plan and inwardly I panicked.
How high was it?  How long would it take? How fast would they go? 
My panic was not really about not achieving the task - more about holding everyone up - and of course that 'messy exerciser' complex  i have. 
We four wheel drived  accross someone's property and i was SO grateful to see the walking sticks the Brother-In-Law had packed.  We certainly needed them!!
The trek up was hard.... steep...  burr ridden ...  rocky ... slippery ... sweatty... laughy... chatty ...  cow pooey...  and really - only 45mins!! The thermos was brought out along with sandwiches and hot cross buns - all of which I did not eat as I felt ill from the climb!!  ha.  BUT ... I didn't hold anyone up.
The descent was an amusing race against the sunset as we had no wish for broken ankles.. which was high on the probability scale since all rocks were hidden under long grass.
Honestly I  was cranky (hence THAT photo) as I reached the top! But once the adrenalin settled, and we laughed our way won I was so glad Mr Kokoda-Trail-Brother-In Law dragged me up one of the mountains in the area.
Too Fun .... especially the four wheel drive out of the paddock and hitting that 'missing' rock...

Think it was just past the cows...

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