Tuesday, April 6, 2010

36... How Lame... Wednesday

You really have to plan these walks some days...  I find a miriad of activities I could fill my time with.  Sewing, gardening, photo sorting, fixing stuff, clearing junk...  
Guess we all can.
Since I rose early I jump started all the 'have to do' things so I could enjoy the 'want to do things and surprisingly I have achieved much today.
By 2pm I had the runners on for the 'big' walk but found, when I harnessed up The Dog - she really WAS limping.  She could put no weight on her front paw. 
This threw me into a spin.  As much as I complain, I do like the companionship and 'reason' for walking.
I would have to go alone.
An exerciser.
NOT a dog walker.
On went the sunnies & I took off at a fast pace and managed to keep it up the whole way, which is something I cannot achieve whilst dragging The Dog.  I ploughed up Pacific rd, round Florida all the way around to Whale Beach!  
How absolutely scrumptious was the wind blowing the sweat off at NOrma Rd!!
I headed onwards and upwards over Surf road and all the way back along the main road to home.  75mins.
Not too painful either.  Can't work out why my hip DIDN't hurt today.
My brain was busy and I was on a mission but I did miss my silent companion...  

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