Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 13 ... Speeding Up...

I took off exactly at the time parents were ferrying children to kindy, to school or heading off on shopping expeditions. A highly visible hour to go ..
I also realised it was a time many women were child free for a few hours and therefore were in their exercise gear and coupled up with friends for their walks.
However, The dog is fine company for me for now.
Once again I headed off on a familiar route up Surf Road and Bynya ... tromping along happily to find my brain was less busy than usual. I am sure there were moments of 'nothingness' which is achieved by some. Am I reaching some form of meditation state?
Once home, I realised I had cut ten minutes off my 75 min walk!! The route was EXACTLY the same - but obviously my speed has increased. How interesting!
Eleven walks ... and the speed is better. How hopeful.
So, I have decided to test this for a few days and if it remains so, then I will add another loop to the walk to get back up to the 75mins.
Woo hoo!!

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