Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Sight For Sore Eyes .... Day 6

I awoke at 5.30am this morning with a very sore eye and an idea.
I loathe getting an idea as I have a compulsion to act on it or be talked out of it. Since The Husband had left for work and therefore could not talk sense to me ... I had to act on it.
I decided to do my first Dawn Walk. The first in my life. I have walked in the mornings before ... but after breakky.
I have a busy day ahead taking The Daughter & The Grandchildren to town and a late meeting for work this eve ... so ... why not?
My body hasn't enjoyed early walks previously as I feel I need a day's fuel to avoid the dizzy staggering feeling which has assailled me. So as I found the runners, I drank water and ate a banana...
I had to smile as The Dog yawned while I attached her lead...
As I left the driveway into the darkness, right at that moment - 6am - the kookaburras broke into their happy raucous chorus up in the reserve.
I did not take it personally.
I headed off up Pacific Road this time and along Florida - the reverse direction of my usual walk...
What Bliss.
The Sounds!!
Why to so many walkers sheild their minds from the sounds around them? Surely the music they pump through their IPODs cannot be as sweet as nature's chorus around them!
The Currawongs, Kookaburras, Mopokes, Sparrows and those noisy Minors .. all in competition..
Hearing the waterfall and trying to find it's source... the near silent whirr of a bicycle's wheels which you hear a millisecond before the 'morning!' as the rider blurrs past ...

I was so busy listening, enjoying, I strode past the Kerry Packer stairs and therefore went further than planned, heading down the RockPool stairs to be spilt out at the Pool. How lucky are we to live in such a place!.
As I stood... taking in the majesty of it all .. I spied the Silver haired Octogenarian finish his laps and walk his sprightly speedo clad body to his car...

Any smugness I had evaporated. This man was decades ahead of me in his fitness routine... decades ahead in his discipline.. I had an emotional slump.

Then the sun rose. A minor bird swooped, protecting her nest from my non-tree climbing Dog and I laughed!

I gathered up The Dog and headed for home.

One day at a time.

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