Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dripping Wet... Day 14

AsI may have mentioned - I am not a 'tidy' walker as I take off at a fair speed and within 10 minutes I am a lather of perspiration. On the 30min mark It looks as though I have run a marathon, no matter how happy and non-exhausted I am.
It has it's benefits for when I reach hill tops looking out over Whale Beach and the breeze hits !! Instant airconditioning and I DO love that feeling.

After a day of helping out The Daughter with sick and crying children, which really wasn't a problem, I drove home virtually ANTICIPATING putting on the shoes and harnessing up The Dog.

Before, I would have collapsed on the lounge! Today, I knew a walk would put the day and into perspective.

Pity The Dog didn't feel the same.

Honestly. She was so lack lustre on the first hill and from then on I felt a constant drag on my right arm as she dawdled behind. Half way around Florida road she came to a grinding halt and after a few minutes allowed me to carry on carrying her on!
Down the stairs to the pool, along the beach... dragging along.
Out around the Surf Club at South Palmy ... past a couple being photographed in front of the Home And Away Club ... down the hill to the Boatshed.

So, thinking only of her , I removed my shoes and socks, tied them together and hit the beach in front of the golf course ... and The Dog was ecstatic. Chest deep, she waded happily, dipping her nose under every now and then.

Unfortunately I was still attached to her lead.... we both ploughed, knee deep, onwards.
I made it ALL the way home via Pittwater... Out around the homes, past Gonsalves marina ... past fish and chip eating families ... all the way along to the 'pipe' on Iluka Road. The long shorts of mine wet up to the pockets ... The Dog darting for ducks and the odd underwater attraction.
It was so, so glorious.
It was such a great idea. Thankyou Dog.

And to top it off... as I hurried on past the shops, a lady asked me if I was a jogger!!

All because I was hot and dripping wet!

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