Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 21 ... Mind Games

Had a busy day, then unthinkingly, when all left ... I automatically put on the shorts and shoes!!
Found that a little incredible.
So off I went - I gave The Dog another chance - and headed up hill.
My mind wandered today ... free to roam where ever ... so it ducked into crevasses which hadn't been poked into for quite a while.
I thought of my brother ... gone ten years now, of my mother and my sister ... lost to me for some time.
I thought of friends from many years gone by.  Some I should track down and some who have let me go...
 I thought of The Son and his overseas trip with His Lady...  Of The Husband's aging parents and the connections with my children ...
Peaceful meanderings ...  all over the place.

Funny how the brain does that.  

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