Monday, March 29, 2010

Wait... Wait ... WEIGHT!! Day 27 and 28

I just realised today is day 28!!!  One month since beginning this blog.  

What a shame it isn't going to be of earth shattering significance.
Some days get a little busier than others and require a little adjusting of the original plan.  There has been illness with Loved Ones and meetings with Fav Reles, broken fridges, waiting for repairmen... blah blah blah ... 

Insignificant, but activities which take precedence over the exercise regime .. or COULD!!  But they didn't!!  YAY!
Yesterday was filled to the brim so I ploughed on with the Resistance Bands that evening and seem to be getting some uncoodinated benefit from them.

Today's rain has deterred me from venturing onto the road as I have no wish to re live the early 'wet weather walk'.  
Since my new PREVENTION Mag had a timely arrival I managed 40mins of their fab weight exercises and a few 'band' ones.

I don't have an anxiety about not walking whilst I am at least doing SOMETHING.

What have I learnt by exercising for a month??  
#  Some days you just have to DO it.
#  I am fitter than the dog.
#  I have drive and determination - at least for 28 days.
#  I will never be able to do a Forest Gump and walk across the country.
#  Not to wear my white bra.
#  Pain doesn't stop you ... just annoys you.
#  I walk slower than most people but faster than some!
#  There is magic to be seen and heard once you are out there.
#  You DO feel better afterwards.
#  It is easier to eat less than to walk off something of same calorific value.
#  Keeping a blog is a great motivation to do SOMETHING ... even if you are talking to yourself.
# My husband has a great sense of 'rescue'.
#  Not to look in the mirror... just enjoy how you 'feel'.

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