Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Foray Into The Unknown...

So I begin.
To write to myself? For myself? Yes.
A recent DVD evening inspired me to begin and continue with something for at least 6 months. In the film - she succeeded for 364 days and in the world of makebelieve, changed her life.
Is it possible?
I have been psyching myself to get fit and have been stuck in my head for a few weeks now. I have plotted the course I will walk once I get the shoes on... the way I will feel once I begin ... I have read the 'Clothes Line Diet' - the woman being so overweight and embarrassed to walk in public, managing to walk a few times around the clothesline. If being seen by neighbours wasn't inspiration enough to leave the yard I don't know what would be! How mortifying to create a pathway around the clothesline... I know i couldn't cope with that one unless the laps were done under cover of complete darkness.
I commend her.
As I do all those 'Biggest Loser' contestants. Very inspirational. I really enjoy watching that show as I eat my dinner.
So, My last resort after another afternoon of procrastination - was to begin a blog. I would record my attempts and be answerable to myself each evening. I came home from work - took a nap - cooked dinner - waxed the excess hair off my face ...
and learnt how to begin a blog.
I am 51 ... not INactive ... as I am a preschool worker and do much jumping and dancing to tunes for under 5's .. so a little bit active. But. Weight gain has rendered me feeling frumpy and I am not enjoying it. Moodiness has played a part in my inactivity.. I have fond memories of a few years past when I walked for hours a day and competed in the City To Surf - only to never walk again! Well, when necessary. Not competitively...
The psychological preparation to begin walking draws on memories of feeling happy and even euphoric at such accomplishments of walking up the local stairway of 400 odd steps through the bush ... not a pretty sight ... and I never walk them WITH anyone as I am not an attractive exerciser!
I am in awe of the women I see whooshing past me without a speck of perspiration ... hence, I exercise under the cover of darkness. It is now getting dark ... best go and get dinner ready...
So. I have completed my first blog and tomorrow I will walk.

1 comment:

  1. Go Keren - share all of the above thoughts. Al and I have just booked a 5th floor apartment in Rome and I go to bed everynight wondering if I will make it up 5 flights of steps with my suitcase or will keel over, sadly, with a heart attack half way up. Ha.
