Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 25 and 26... A Little Bit Of Support...

Yesterday seemed to whizz by in a flurry of 'must do' around the home necessities & odds & ends I just WANT to do... so the day disappeared quickly amid pruning shrubs, scrubbing bathrooms, washing kitchen floor & juggling food from a disfunctioning fridge.  The Granddaughter and Daughter arrived so .... there was a little 'dancing' to under 3yr old tunes... when they left, if was time for the Husband and I to head off to the movies.  So ... at some late hour I picked up the Resistance Elastic and for half an hour struggled to avoid my elbows being snapped and broken when doing said exercises.  It does require some practice and fine tuning.

This morning I was woken early by the 'bipping' alarm of the malfunctioning fridge so resigned myself to no sleep in.  Since I was skulking around the house in the early hours I could only dress for the walk in whatever was downstairs, so as not to disturb The Sleeping Husband.

Hence ... I had to wear the 'bad' bra.  

My 'supportive' sensible bras were soaking in the wash and upon a rummage, I found a little white one I wear when movie watching... NOT moving.  i didn't think a great deal about it, just plonked it on under the black singlet, harnessed up The Dog and off I went.
Decided on a totally UPHILL venture this morn as it seemed coolish ... not so.
By the time I had made my way up Pacific and towards Bynya, I was absolutely dripping wet.  My lower back was wet into my shorts! 

And the bra??  Good Grief.

The straps on this particular one are elasticised and therefore allow a 'bounce".
I actually had to alter my walking style on some parts of the trek & I can tell you - downhill was VERY TRICKY at a fast past.  Thank goodness I didn't meet TOO many people.  When I did, I was stop and pat The Dog til they past.

75mins later, dripping wet and dragging The Dog through the gate... I found The Husband cooking eggs and bacon on the barby, papers on the table and the jug boiled for the cuppa.
Ahh  ... THAT's support. x


1 comment:

  1. I would definitely go for a morning walk if I knew I could come home to that!
