Monday, March 8, 2010

Time Management ... Day 7

When I woke this morning ... too early .. I was hoping for a sleep in ... my brain began whirring. I just wish it would be blank now and again. Is it possible?? Apparently. When a male is asked 'What are you thinking?" the answer is invariably "nothing". When pushed on the answer .. some males have explained that they just "zone out. Have no thoughts. Just nothing." ... really?

Should I walk in the morning or should I begin the housework? Maybe if I do work first I could walk midway through the day? Do I hurt too much to walk locally? What's the weather? Is it going to be hot? Is it Humid? Will I be required to babysit tonight? Then I'd best prepare dinner .... whats for dinner? Do I have clean socks? Should I put the washing on? ...

As much as everyone believes this walking gig is only for a 75min part of the day - it takes up an inordinantl and ridiculous amount of planning for me to fit it in. If I walk early on then that means I have to shower and wash my hair on the return since I should at least look half respectible and smell somewhat decent for the rest of the day .. I am a no frills kind of girl and HATE washing my hair daily. If I walk at night, this can go amiss if meetings on, dinners late or weather changes.

What about friends?? Where do they slot in amongst the daily necessities?

So while the a large part of my brain was busy ... A distant part of it had decided to walk early. So as I put on the shorts, runners, ate the banana and tied the hair up ... my body was ready to go. The mind was willing. Yay!! The body was a little sluggish.

But, I am proud to say I listened to my body today and decided against pushing it up all the local hills so I bundled The Little Black Dog into the car and headed out to Bayview.

From 7.30 - 8.40 we tramped along the mangrove and waterfront to the Pasadena and back. Passing early wanderers, avid joggers, elderly couples and a myriad of dog walkers. My brain was still busy - I have yet to achieve the peaceful 'nothingness' some acquire. Meditation is NOT my forte.

I love hearing the snippets of conversation as people pass me by ... even the cyclists chatting as they whizz past...

We were home by 9am.

The dog promptly slept. And although my exercise for the day has been achieved... I am yet to feel the joy.

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