Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Liar ... Liar ... Pants On Fire - Day 9

I took off early afternoon today and was feeling pretty good so headed up hill... up Pacific road RIGHT up to where a rickety set of steps took me down to Florida road.
This was an error ... I sort of 'plonked' down all the uneveness of them - about 100 - and could feel the hip getting mal adjusted...
True enough. It was. Pain set in when I headed through the Kerry Packer steps to the beach.
Strangely tho, I felt mentally happy and dragged The Dog along the beach front homewards.
As per usual my mind wandered and I recalled a story years ago of a group of women who discovered they could lose inordinant amounts of weight by eating tapeworm larvae. These of course hatched to become a tapeworm which ate every nutrient in their bodies until they achieved their desired weight loss. Take a few anti biotics - and voila!!
What is fairly amazing to me is that only women would consider this!
You hear it all the time when one falls ill, be it with appendicitus, pneumonia, gastro, or something life threatening - "Oh yes .. it was horrible - but I lost 4kg!!" ...

I trudged onwards and remembered The Daughter's question...
"Have you lost any weight yet?"
" Gee - I've only been walking a week, and besides - I am doing this for fitness, not weight loss."
"Sure Mum. Are you telling me that if you make it to the 6mth mark without losing a pound, but are much fitter... you'll be fine?"

Mmmm. I had lied.

If I make this walking gig for 6mths WITHOUT losing an ounce ... I will give up.

Then I might eat a tapeworm.

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