Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 20 ... Trading In the Dog

Honest to goodness - the dog has to go!!  What a pathetic effort she puts in day after day after day. 
The Husband has great sympathy for her "ooohhh, it's very humid."  or "Oooh, it's such a hot day." or "She's black!"
Do White dogs go faster??
I swear... I will trade her in for a greyhound.

I must admit she does perform better in the cool early hours.  But I want choice of when to walk.  I mean, really, this is the only thing I do for myself WHEN I want to!!  All those years of fitting things in around family, dinner, school, work...
I refuse to accommodate THE DOG!

I went for a great walk today up over the hills, past the beach, round the golf course and then felt SO sorry for the dog I was toting behind me, I walked the rest of the way home IN Pittwater so she could cool down.

If she bumps into any little doggy friends I wonder if she tells them about the "drag" she went on today.

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