Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Road To NoWhere... Day 8

Since I don't intend to walk before having to be ready for work.. there were moments through the day when tried to plan my exercise route.

The weather was bleak and I didn't wish to walk in it as the last rainy day walk was a disaster... it wasn't a welcome thought. When out of the blue a brilliant idea popped into my head!!
I would go to the gym for my 75min walk in comfort.
Why I thought this was a solid idea, I can't fathom. My last gym experience was at least 15years ago with the company phoning daily and at all hours to secure my credit card number for direct debiting. Mind you - many in the area did hand over this information with the intention of using their facilities 4 times a week. Only to find their enthusiasm wained many months before the debits did.

But. I would go on a 'one off'' ... another test of bravery. Totally out of my comfort zone.

I wish I could explain The Husband's shocked expression as I announced "I'm off to the gym". Was worth saying.

You see .. going in to FF is like going to another country for me. There is an element of the unknown with all those around you appearing experienced in protocol.
I chose to park up the top ...to duck in unseen ... but didn't know where to 'duck' !
To enter I had to pay $22. and fill in an information sheet with name, address and contactable phone number. I asked if I could have some earphones to access the tele (may as well do this walk in style) to be told they would cost $15. Nope.
I headed to the far corner where the change rooms were.
I had quickly grabbed my exercise pants, a cotton t shirt and runners on the way out of home before I changed my mind. As I put the shirt on I broke into about 7 sneezes... it was an old shirt which hadn't dried properly some years ago and smelt quite musty.
On search for a locker, it was evident you needed to 'swipe your card' - which I clearly didnt have, so I took my chances.
I left my bag in an unlocked locker trusting that since robbers would have to dress the part to enter the facilities and rob FF people - and lycra is 'de rigeur' - there would be no where to hide their haul.
I headed to the farthest corner walking machine and truly, stood in front of it for a good 4 mins ... pressing buttons trying to make it go. No one helped. So I casually sauntered down a few to see others had lights glowing. Success with the one most public.
Well - suffice to say. This gym thing is not really my gig. Lorna Jane clad types running, expressionless, to nowhere. Didn't they live in the area?? Hadn't they felt the wind in their faces and drying their sweat? It's free!! It's free! - I overcame the urge to yell at them...
I had a little fun playing with the clockwork on my machine ... gradient 2 at speed 4.5... then on the 15min mark, gradient 3 at speed 6 ... made the time go a little quicker. That and people watching.
A very largish full breasted woman leapt on the machine near me at one stage and broke into a fast run ... I admired her fitness ... but she clearly hadn't seen the "Beat The Bounce" ad by Berlei on the toilet cubicle door.

To be honest ... I DID walk very fast ... I did sweat. The only hint of the great outdoors I got was when the overhead airconditioning leaked on me..
I gave up on the 45minute mark. I just couldnt take it anymore.

I changed back into my 'civvies' and went past the lift, packed with FF devotees, out in to the car park and headed home.

I had burned 250 calories according to the machine. And my walk had cost 50c per minute.

At least I know they won't be calling me any time soon to join up....

I gave them a fake phone number.

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